Thursday 18 September 2008

Okay no new bloggs.

Just a quick one to say please watch this space I will be updating soon as I have to add some new pictures to my spot.

All the best for now Jeff

Sunday 24 August 2008

Morning all well I am back again with another picture "Dancing with the Devil" it is also an etching. This is a rather dark one inspierd by the paintings of Goya appologies for the shodiness of the picture. I like this one The boys hand is particularly wooden but the shading on his trousers is rather good as is the devil.

Thursday 21 August 2008

Cor this blogging is all new to me and I think i have done it all back to front but I hope you like it

All the best Jeff
This one goes by the name "The rice pickers" or it could be "The rice planters" it is also an etching and is a very small print
Yet another untitled etching inspierd by straw rain coats and studio ghibli I have to say that this is a rather small print .
This is an idea that took 8 years to realize. I have always been taken with the Wave by Hokusai
and the ikonography of it and wanted to see how it would look if the wave was actualy being formed by Godzilla surfaceing out of the water. It was not until I started etching that I was finnaly able to acheive this idea.
This is one of my etchings as you can see I am influenced by Japanese art it has no title